Some guys posted a nice video about smaller lev npc-s getting PEW-PEW-d with Mesmers. (Actually, Mesmer is the game's high lev Magnetic robot.) Hit the video for some 1 shot-half hp magic tricks.
Hello, my name is Mancs, and I'm... a developer of the hungarian mmorpg game, Perpetuum.
This blog is contributed to the developers, to help their work with documentating, publishing and promoting their game development, (which we dont have time for, because of the lack of our numbers) hopeing more of you guys will find this game interesting and exciting.
Any Questions you got, just write it, i will try to answer it as fast as its possible. And some developer checking the rss of the blog quite often too. Hopefully.
Any idea you have, we would like to hear it, maybe it will bring us to a better game.
Wish you nice surfing!
Ps: Please note this isn't an official blog, and in most cases I write about my own opinions. Nothing written here represents the official opinion of the developers.
These some guys're called "Soldiers of Thunderstorm".