December 26, 2010

Happy holidays! :)

Hello there again!

On behalf of the developer team I wish happy holidays and a happy new year to everyone!

Meanwhile, I thought that if I share some info about the new features that we are working on, features that will make you guys very happy. Of course this won't be a super detailed info package, as we are still working on these features. So what will we have in the new year?
  • We thought that the Sequer may not be enough for your current freight transporting needs. A new mech will be introduced.
  • Lots of people requested a feature that can log some nice data for you. Like who killed you or who did you kill. This so-called ‘Combat history’ will be a nice feature for sure!

After witnessing all those huge pvp fights, we realized that there's an urgent need for a way to deal damage in an area. So we plan to add these shiny new ideas into the game soon:
  • Robot-death-explosion-damage. If you die, you actually damage everyone around you. Bigger robots will have bigger explosions.
  • If you think about the previous feature as an actual weapon, go no further; we will create an item that allows you to play kamikaze, with bigger fireworks. But it will require some reactor and CPU, so no Intakt rush with explosives.
  • Have you ever thought about dropping bombs? You deploy it on the ground, it starts pulsing... and then everything fades to black. Well well well... I'm quite sure it will cause some damage! Use it to separate yourself from your enemy by placing it in narrow passages, or if you're a spy in the flock, why not surprise them with something funny? Also, my mind has just gone crazy about the possibilities of such a basic item and some more work on developer side... And had a vision of a bomberman event.
  • What would you do with AOE (area of effect), if you couldn't shoot it on the group; why is it necessary to shake hands every time you want to cause damage? Of course we agree with you - new aoe weapons. Slow cycle time, shot at somebody, collateral damage to everyone nearby that target. And hoping that you ain't nearby that somebody.
So these are the most interesting features that we are currently working on. I still remember a beautiful board in the office, written all over with features to be done. Stay tuned for some moar candy!


  1. Daidalos will come...

    And... AOE and mines!

    And...more new features...

  2. For some of you who may not know, the blog contains a nice artwork of a heavymech hauler. It will be implemented later. Use the search box. ;)

  3. Yeah! Daidalos have great design)
    Also more info about content patch release date will be great=)

  4. Please tell me this isn't all you're working on. I will not be buying more time for this game-- it's doomed.

  5. I hoped that you wouldn't think this is our plan for the next half year. =)

    Don't worry, these are just some highlight features for the first *small* content patch. Bigger things will come later.

    And of course we always fixing and including smaller features.
